Pipeline Pilot新版本Pipeline Pilot 5.1已经发布!This release contains a large amount of new functionality and bug fixes, including:· General improvements: Ability to lock a subprotocol, new PilotScript functions compress() and uncompress()· Chemistry collection: Support for InChI identifiers, full support of MDL SGroups, R/S chirality detection and labeling, improvements to Calculate Reaction Mapping, enhancements to PDB and RD ReadersIntegration collection: Full documentation for Java API, a calculate() function for calling calculable properties as part of molecular toolkitModeling collection: Multiple category modeling; single model now stores absolute and relative models, new output options on learned model, new validation results parameter on learned model, option to check for stereo chemistry in MCSS, new molecular distance functions (dice, cosine, and custom option)R Statistics Collection: New components for R Logistic Regression and R Parallel Coordinates Plot, enhancements to Learn R Generalized Linear ModelText Analytics collection: Proximity searches, weighted queries, specify open-ended “Result Ranges” for “search” components, error handling for online searchesSequence Analysis collection: 15 new annotator, manipulator, and reporting components, support for the FASTA formats from NCBIA full description of the new functionality can be found in the release notes http://www.scitegic.com/support/protected/relnotes_5.1.pdf.如果您希望了解更多关于Pipeline Pilot 5.1版本的信息,请与我们联系