UniProt Accession Number of Target Protein: P08514
Alternative Name(s) of Target: Integrin alpha-IIb, Integrin alpha-2b, ITGA2B, platelet glycoprotein IIb of IIb/IIIa complexImmunogen: CD41 is the integrin alpha chain 2b forming a fibrinogen receptor in heterodimeric complex with beta 3.
Specificity: Recognises human CD41.
Antibody first published in:No Authors Listed .Use of a monoclonal antibody directed against the platelet glycoprotein IIb/IIIa receptor in high-risk coronary angioplasty. The EPIC Investigation.N Engl J Med.PMID:8121459
Flow-cytometry using the anti-CD41 research biosimilar antibody Abciximab (7E3, Ab00282) Human lymphocytes were stained with an isotype control (Ab00102-23.0, panel A) or the rabbit-chimeric version of Abciximab (Ab00282-23.0, panel B) at a concentration of 1 µg/ml for 30 mins at RT. After washing, bound antibody was detected using a AF488 conjugated donkey anti-rabbit antibody (ab150073) and cells analysed on a FACSCanto flow-cytometer.
Absolute Antibody于2012年在英国剑桥成立,是由英国牛津大学Hutchings博士和Barclay教授创办的第二代抗体公司,可以在两周内提供100mg级的工程化抗体,并且不含动物成分,批间差极小,消除因补体和Fc受体造成的背景,使结果更干净。该公司的成立顺应了Nature杂志为首的科学界提倡改变目前抗体供应混乱状况的时代潮流。目前提供国内的产品主要包括:
l 科研用生物仿制药抗体
l 嵌合单克隆抗体
l 用于体内实验的重组抗体
l 表位标签
l 重组非IgG同型对照
l 重组蛋白(Fc融合蛋白)